5:56 PMThe other day I was going through some "notes" on my phone and I came across one that had me laughing out loud. On July 24 at approximately 11:38 am Stephen wrote me a haiku poem. We were in the car coming back from Grace, Idaho. I was asleep and only semi-coherent at the time and I completely forgot about it until stumbling across it just recently.
Knows my every other word
Pebbled freckles like a sandy beach
Won't you be my wife?
Toast over buttered bread
She toasts my heart with her stare
Eating cheese on top
Hahaha. I can't help but giggle every time I read them. Haikus have this weird way of being perfectly profound and ridiculous at the same time. And now I'd like to take just a second to brag about the sweet man of mine that composed the literary works of genius you see above.
A few weeks ago, Stephen went to great lengths to have dinner all ready for me when I got off work at 7:00. Unfortunately he forgot that on Thursdays I have class until 9:30 pm. When I finally got home after a very loooong day, he was at his intramural frisbee game but had left the table set for me (with some DELICIOUS chicken alfredo pasta) and his laptop was open on the table with a little video for me to watch. While I watched the short video he made for me, eating my delicious pasta, I couldn't help but smile and think that I might have married the best man in the whole world.
Yesterday wasn't a great day for me. I didn't sleep well, I didn't feel well and it was just BLAH. Stephen had been asking for a haircut for a couple days (okay...weeks. I was really liking it long!) so I finally relented. And then in a careless moment....
Snip snip snip snip OOOPS!!!!!
Dripping dropping tears fall fast
Hugs. Kisses. Laughter.
Unfortunately The Incident is still too fresh for me to think it is funny. I accidentally gave him a bald streak for crying out loud!!!!!! I felt terrible. (I still do.) Stephen, however, was nothing but the perfect gentleman. He reassured me probably a hundred times that everything was okay, and when the tears just kept on pouring, he patiently held me and started telling me about other (worse) haircutting experiences from his childhood. (He probably made half of them up just to make me feel better.) Again and again he reassured me that in just a few days or weeks this will be a memory to laugh about. He even suggested I blog about it. hahaha. He's the greatest.
Always smiling at me.
Eyes as blue as the bright sky
I am so lucky.