An impromptu #remotelycandid photoshoot with Lydia and Elliott // Elliott trying to sneak a banana muffin when I was distracted making dinner 😂 // Lydia asking if I was “shoveling” the “candylane” cards // catching up on @nbcthisisus with Stephen // throwing a ball up and down the stairs with L&E // Elliott's static-y hair after he rubbed it on the couch // the pork street-tacos I made for dinner 👌🏻// Quincy’s smiles after the bath // listening to Lydia teach her friends how to play "candylane" // date night with S @oakwoodfirekitchen [THE PESTO 🤤] // Elliott fake coughing to communicate when he wants a drink 😂 // when someone at church commented that they’ve never seen a baby as smiley as Q // Elliott kissing his toes and giggling // Watching L & E watch old videos of themselves // running a few errands sans toddlers 😂 // Pizza for breakfast // Elliott's chocolate chip pancakes face
Lydia Quotes:
“Mom, can I do the raspberry on Quincy?" 😂
“Mom I'll try really hard not to sting on my shirt!" (She meant stain)
Randomly in Costco: “Bulldozer! …That's a funny word!"
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