On Saturday we decided to take the drone out for a spin while on a hike. I know what you're thinking. Of all the people in the world, Hannah Flinders Olson agreed to go on a hike?! Shocking, I know, and I'm still not sure how Stephen suckered me into agreeing to such an outing, especially after last time. After loading up the car (which always takes infinitely longer than we think it will) we drove 15 minutes to a nearby hiking trail only to realize when we arrived that it was basically lunch time, it was sunnier than we anticipated, we didn't bring a backpack, we'd basically forgotten how to tie the wrap to wear Elliott, and the trail was much steeper/more intense than we'd planned. ha!
Thankfully there was a little park right next to the trail where we hung out instead. Lydia loved running around the rocks (she only fell twice) and she also loved pointing out the drone in the sky. Elliott, of course, rocked at hanging out in the wrap complaint free (once we finally figured out how to put it on again). In the video Lydia points out that she's not wearing socks - we had her put tights on under her leggings because we thought it would be cold. Well, joke's on us again because we were out there for no more than an hour and Elliott came home with a nice little sunburn on his face and head 🙈.
Despite not being the most prepared parents, we sure love these two and are excited to take the drone out more -- especially once everything isn't so dry and dead looking 😂.
...Although I'm thinking we should definitely take this experience as a sign to always avoid hiking in the future 😜.
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