Merry Happy List: 13

10:18 AM

Note: I wrote this post last Wednesday, November 4th, but hadn't added the pictures yet, so I never published it. BabyGirl is NOW HERE and I promise I'll post alllllll about her shortly, I just wanted to publish this post first, since I'd already written it. :)

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the last week+ has been hard. It really is an emotional roller coaster  going each day not knowing if that will be the day that you are going to have a baby and your life will change forever. Although it's been a challenging time, thankfully there are still plenty of things to be happy about!

making homemade (and delicious!) caramel apples with my friends Jess, Chels, and Melissa // watching Stephen eat a bite of persimmon for the first time // reaching 109 followers on my photography instagram account // winning the #selfieyoursandwich post for Baked Bakery Cafe and getting two free meals next time we go in!!! // going to the pumpkin patch with some of my cousins and trying to find pumpkins the size of our stomachs^^ (April is due in December) // going to the temple to do sealings with some of Stephen's extended family // my cousin, Sarah, being willing to drive me to my doctor's appointment since our car had a flat tire // Miriam treating Stephen and me to the Cannon Center for dinner with her mealplan (thanks dad! ;)) // getting BabyGirl's crib out of the box (it's not set up yet, but at least it's out of the box!) // my mom coming to town to help distract me from the fact that BabyGirl still hasn't come (even though we both thought she'd be here by now!) // the fact that even though I got rear-ended last week I'm 100% fine and the car is still safe (just has an ugly dent in the back) // EYE-LASH EXTENSIONS. Haha, so shallow, I know, and the first couple days they FREAKED me out and I thought I looked so weird, but after a few days I started really liking them and now I'm a huge fan // watching Stephen's intramurals - it's taken me a while, but I really do enjoy going to them now! haha // getting a DELICIOUS (and massive) Chipotle burrito on Halloween for only $3 (including guacamole!) 

Now let's just hope BabyGirl gets here SOON!
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