4:18 PM
When Lydia was given all the tests at the hospital, everything looked great except one thing: her bilirubin levels were a liiitle bit high. Bilirubin is (I hope this is at least semi-accurate information, haha) something in our bodies that is supposed to be broken down by our liver and then pooped out, but oftentimes baby's liver's aren't quite up to snuff, so the bilirubin builds up and this build up causes the skin and the "whites" of eyes to look orange which is called Jaundice. We were released from the hospital Saturday morning, but I was told I needed to take Lydia into lab the next day (Sunday) to get her blood tested to monitor the bilirubin. The nurses assured me that it really wasn't much to worry about and that it is really, really common, so I took their advice and didn't think much of it.
Taking Lydia into the lab that first day was so sad! They pricked her little foot and then squeezed drops of blood out until it filled a teeny tiny little vile. Lydia SCREAMED and screamed :(. It almost broke my brand-new-mom-heart.
The drill was repeated on Monday, and then we took her to a doctor's appointment shortly after. The doctor said that her levels had continued to rise so she needed to be put on a "bili-bed" that would help her body breakdown the excess of bilirubin. The good news was the bed could be delivered to our house and she could stay on it there. The bad news was that Lydia was to stay on the bed AT ALL TIMES other than eating or getting her diaper changed.
Personally, I felt like I'd been doing a pretty good job of holding it together until the doctor said that...and then, there was no holding it together. I broke down, hardcore. Being told you're not allowed to hold your baby as much as you want just a few days after she's born??? Not okay.

The Bili-Bed was delivered Monday night around 7:00 pm (after some really annoying issues with insurance). The doctor wanted to make sure I received the bed and the blanket. "Blanket" is an extremely inaccurate description of what the "blanket" actually was. In reality the "blanket" was a paddle that Lydia had to have strapped to her stomach!

^^NOT A BLANKET. It was literally a hard plastic paddle with thin fabric over the top that we had to velcro around Lydia's body. I wish I'd gotten a better picture. Here's a slightly better one I found online.
The home-health guy that brought the bed set it up and showed us how to put Lydia in it. When we put her in that first time she was LIVID. She hated the thing! She hated it so much she peed all over it! Haha. (She really did - we're still trying to figure out how her diaper didn't catch any of the pee...)
Thankfully thankfully (due to many prayers) after a few minutes Lydia calmed down and she didn't actually hate the bed like I was sure she was going to. Surprisingly she slept on it fine (much to my denial, haha).

The next day we took her in to the lab around 3:00 to get her blood tested. I was told that her number was low enough that I should take her off of the bed! Now we just had to wait and see if her body would continue to breakdown and remove the bilirubin on its own, so we continued to take her into the lab to have her blood tested every day or two. I found out later that I was actually supposed to have kept her on the bed for another night, but that's not what I was told! And thankfully, after a few days her numbers were low enough that I was able to return the bed and she's been great ever since!
Although I was really bummed when I first found out about the fact that Lydia would have to stay on the bili-bed, I really am grateful for how everything went. First of all, I'm grateful that the bilirubin wasn't hurting Lydia at all. I'm also grateful that the treatment (aka the light-bed) wasn't painful. I'm grateful that by the end of the week Lydia was sleeping through her foot-prick blood-draws. I'm grateful for the technology that allowed her to get treated at home, and mostly I'm grateful that she didn't even have to stay on the bed for a full 24 hours!
Hooray for healthy babies!
_ _ _
PS Stephen would always say that when the doctors and nurses talked about "bilirubin" it sounded like they were talking about some mean bully named Billy Ruben, which is where I came up with the title of this post. :)
Max had jaundice too! Getting the blood test every day was the WORST! I'm so glad she got over it quickly and is healthy now! She is so so so beautiful. Congrats Hannah!
DeleteHi ,
The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost some crypto coins and crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim of fake telegram personnels from Uniswap group.
My wallet address security and 12 phrases got compromised and I lost all my crypto coins (Filecoin, Eth, Btc, and EthereumMax) to the tune of $184.000 . This left me so devastated and left me depressed at my lowest point because my family could’ve been homeless if I didn’t recover my crypto coins successfully which was most of my savings and financial assets.
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If you have lost cryptocurrency to any form of scams write directly to QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM
Get some professional help and recover your funds successfully
DeleteYou could probably get your money back, and I said probably, This is because most scammers don't move the money to a bank account, most scammers move it to a crypto currency wallet or a local money saving platforms, this way they stay undetected and noticed by authorities.
What you have to keep in mind is, this crypto wallet can be reported or hacked into, and this is what we do.
We are ⭐PYTHONAX⭐ a group of skilled and experienced internet and computer experts. We have refocused our work force into tracking down scammers and helping victims of scam recover their money, or what's left of it. Using our experience in transactions tracking and jail breaking, we can now guarantee scam victims an opportunity to recover their money.
There are so many ways to get scammed in the world we live in today, majority of this scams are internet based scam, one of the major disadvantages of the internet. Here are examples of scams we have dealt with and can help such victims to this scams as well-:
❌Cryptocurrency investments scammed victims.
❌Forex/Binary Option investments scam victims.
❌Buying and Selling scam victims.
❌Dating & Romance scam victims.
❌Loans scams victims.
❌Housing & Estate Investments Scam victims. E.t.c.
How services are simple and and a breakdown of each steps of the process we will take to help you get your money back would be explained and told to you, what we do isn't illegal, we try and follow the rules and make sure you aren't involved in any crime. You can choose to remain anonymous, your personal info wouldn't be required of you, all we need are infos regarding the scam, infos like-:
1️⃣ Total Amount of what you were scammed.
2️⃣ The type of scam you were involved in.
3️⃣ The means of Communication you used in communicating with the scammers. Eg, emails, numbers or social media handles......
4️⃣ Details of which you used to make payments and transactions ID.
Do not feel shy or ashamed or stupid, this scammers are really good at what they do, they make everything look so real and convince and very very real like the actual real stuff.
Use this emails below to contact us-:
We assure you of no form of judgmets or guilt, we are professionals and only want to help.
Max had jaundice too! Getting the blood test every day was the WORST! I'm so glad she got over it quickly and is healthy now! She is so so so beautiful. Congrats Hannah!
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My names are wizard William, I'm a citizen of United State of America, I reside here in California down-town, lives with
ReplyDeletetwo kid's I had a divorce case with the father of my two kids and we got divorced. After a year I found myself in a very
romantic relationship so I moved in with my new boyfriend who shows care and affection, he actually makes me feel very
comfortable and took my kids like his, he wasn't working anyway so I was taking care of the bills why he looks after kids
and takes care of house chores. We decide to have savings on his account and we plan to run a business which leads the
saving, it was two years after when I noticed his changes, probably I should have noticed before I did but I spend long
hours at work and also trusted him so I didn't border myself in monitoring him, it was kind of late when I noticed he has
a kid's outside and also dating two ladies outside our relationship, really didn't want to believe the story when a doctor
friend of mine informed me, I decided to investigate myself but I couldn't, I was then referred to a Cyber hacker wizard
popularly known as Wizard Harry, I reached him via he responded and ask me
to WhatsApp him for a quick response through +1 (559) 851-5537. after reaching out to him and accepting the cost of the
service he got into the job and have my spouse iPhone cloned when I read his private conversation I got crazy and my life
was ruined, my heart got divided to known the truth that I wished I never knows the truth after I got to know the truth I
ended the relationship. today I'm with a good man who actually doesn't cheat, have carried some investigation about him
and no single bad report, he is what he said he is. I advise everyone to reach out to wizard Harry over a similar case
like mine. Wizard william is one in trillions.
ReplyDeleteHave you gotten yourself involved in a cryptocurrency scam or any scam at all? If yes, know that you you are not alone, there a a lot of people in this same situation. I was a victim of a cryptocurrency scam that cost me a lot of money. This happened a few weeks ago, there’s only one solution which is to talk to the right people, if you don’t do this you will end up being really depressed. I was really devastated until i sent a mail to an expert team who came highly recommended – . I started seeing some hope for myself from the moment i sent them a mail. The good part is they made the entirely process stress free for me, i literally sat and waited for them to finish and i received what i lost in my wallet. You can also contact them through
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KENSTAR CYBER SERVICES is truly a reliable and top-notch credit repair company. I was skeptical when I learnt that my credit score of 552 can be improved to 750s across all credit bureaus and also derogatory marks and negatives can be permanently deleted from my credit profile. To my greatest astonishment, On checking my updated credit report on credit karma; my scores are now EQ: 752 TR: 758 EX: 761 and records of chapter 11 bankruptcy, late payments, collections and hard inquiries have been deleted from my credit profile. Big thank you to KENSTARCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM.
ReplyDeleteGood day Audience, I want to use this great medium to announce this information to the public about JETWEBHACKERS few months back, I was seeking an online BTC investment plan when I got scammed for about $142,000. I was so down and didn?t know what to do until I came across a timeline about JETWEBHACKERS, so I reached out to him and to my greatest surprise, they were able to recover all the funds which I had previously lost to the Devils. I am so glad to share this wonderful news with you all because it cost me nothing to announce a good and reliable Hacker as JETWEBHACKERS.
ReplyDeleteQuickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their
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Getting bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets recovered successfully from online thefts and investments schemes requires you contacting a real and expert financial technology security specialist which is , this cryptocurrency and financial assets recovery specialist are reliable and trustworthy and are also the best at helping individuals and corporate organizations retrieve BTC, USDT, ETH OR any other form of financial assets lost to phishing scams and online thefts.
ReplyDeleteAsset Hacker helped me recover all i lost to a financial scam ,I invested in a company total of 4.6054BTC and 28,000USDT
in which i was assigned a broker who ripped me off completely ,made me false promises and ROI (return on investment and profit i was promised was not true), I was heartbroken and disappointed , fortunately , i got referred to Asset Hacker technological company who helped me secure my recovery completely by hacking the brokers and perpetrators who i invested my money with . Contact Asset Hacker if you are seeking any form of financial recovery via whatsapp, +393510777769 or Emial:
ReplyDeleteYou could probably get your money back, and I said probably, This is because most scammers don't move the money to a bank account, most scammers move it to a crypto currency wallet or a local money saving platforms, this way they stay undetected and noticed by authorities.
What you have to keep in mind is, this crypto wallet can be reported or hacked into, and this is what we do.
We are ⭐PYTHONAX⭐ a group of skilled and experienced internet and computer experts. We have refocused our work force into tracking down scammers and helping victims of scam recover their money, or what's left of it. Using our experience in transactions tracking and jail breaking, we can now guarantee scam victims an opportunity to recover their money.
There are so many ways to get scammed in the world we live in today, majority of this scams are internet based scam, one of the major disadvantages of the internet. Here are examples of scams we have dealt with and can help such victims to this scams as well-:
❌Cryptocurrency investments scammed victims.
❌Forex/Binary Option investments scam victims.
❌Buying and Selling scam victims.
❌Dating & Romance scam victims.
❌Loans scams victims.
❌Housing & Estate Investments Scam victims. E.t.c.
How services are simple and and a breakdown of each steps of the process we will take to help you get your money back would be explained and told to you, what we do isn't illegal, we try and follow the rules and make sure you aren't involved in any crime. You can choose to remain anonymous, your personal info wouldn't be required of you, all we need are infos regarding the scam, infos like-:
1️⃣ Total Amount of what you were scammed.
2️⃣ The type of scam you were involved in.
3️⃣ The means of Communication you used in communicating with the scammers. Eg, emails, numbers or social media handles......
4️⃣ Details of which you used to make payments and transactions ID.
Do not feel shy or ashamed or stupid, this scammers are really good at what they do, they make everything look so real and convince and very very real like the actual real stuff.
Use this emails below to contact us-:
We assure you of no form of judgmets or guilt, we are professionals and only want to help.