Merry Happy List: 9
4:47 PM

^^Photo Challenge Day 4: Texture
All of the kind things people had to say after my last post. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. I am so incredibly grateful for all of the amazingly supportive people in my life. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Thank you for "liking" it or commenting. My #1 reason for writing this blog is for myself, but it sure brightens my day when people tell me they enjoy reading my posts :) // Making homemade wholewheat bread! BY MY SELF! And the fact that it wasn't a disaster! It even looked like bread! // kayaking the provo river (we actually did this a few weeks ago, but I realized I never posted about it!) /// trying new recipes and having them actually turn out! (check out my pinterest, for my analysis of the recipes we had for dinner this past week) // Officially deciding that we're going to road trip to Washington next month! // being able to reach into a nice costco-sized bag of trail mix and only having to briefly scan for raisins. I will definitely be doing this every time I buy a bag a trail mix from now on // listening to podcasts while I go on walks in the mornings (send me all your favorite podcasts!) // taking pics for my photography challenge // busting out the watercolors yesterday and attempting to do some fancy lettering (I'm not very good at it, but it's fun!) // reading this article from the National Geographic that further increased my testimony of the Book of Mormon
I've been enjoying taking photos for my challenges, but one thing is for sure: I much prefer taking pictures of PEOPLE than still life. SO, any chance you want to help me!? Let me know if I can take pictures for you to help me finish up these challenges :) my schedule is very flexible!
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Impressive that you are able to make homemade bread! I will be honest and say that I am terrified even to attempt it, haha. Also I am going to read that National Geographic article right now!