3:36 PM
. . . is daily denial at how big Elliott is getting.
. . . is aiming for under 10 minutes to get from our front door to buckled in the car.
. . . is taking full advantage of the double stroller - but only on the days that aren't too hot or too cold.
. . . is an overflowing diaper bag.
. . . is trying to keep my cool whenever Lydia discovers something new she can climb.
. . . is saying multiple prayers at every meal and nap time, per Lydia's request.
. . . is keeping a close eye on how aggressively Lydia is showing Elliott her love.
. . . is a heart bursting with pride every time Lydia says a new word.
. . . is a lap full of kids, one nursing, the other turning pages in a book.
. . . is going to the fire station to look at the fire trucks.
. . . is wearing Elliott in the wrap while teaching primary.
. . . is sleeping every night between my two favorite boys.
. . . is hearing Elliott's coos and attempting to record all of his smiles to show Stephen.
. . . is reminding Lydia to say "please" and "thank you."
. . . is smothering two little people with kisses all day long.
. . . is feeling like my heart just might burst on the daily.
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Such a cute and decent couple " Hannah and Stephen" with their sweet li'l family, i love the way she shows her love for kids, i really like this happy blog!